Saturday, 19 April 2014

Time off

Even though I am not at university I still have lots of homework to do.  Each of my four students have set me some work.  I have to email a student each week to send in my homework to them.  So really there is no time off!
Today my 90 year old mother in law has been testing me on my spellings and the sentences I had to write, she is a hard task master!!

Great news I went up to the RVI hospital at Newcastle just over a week ago to see if I could be accepted on the Limbs Alive research project and fortunately I was. So I have now been given the laptop and video games to start working on my right arm. 
Whilst up in Newcastle I met with my fellow class mates so we could go through our presentation on Aphasia awareness.

To date we have got 3 new lambs a set of twins and a single, Liz is really pleased with the new arrivals (2 girls and a boy). Just waiting for the next one to lamb

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

On holiday

We now have four weeks off for Easter holidays to give the students a break, hope you are all working hard and revising for your exams!
On the last day I was given homework from all 4 of my students, this includes sending them emails with an update of what I have done.
I do have to go up to the university next week for 2 hours in preparation for our presentation to 10 people to make them more aware of Aphasia (Liz is not amused at having to go up there!)
We have had Senna to visit twice in the last week which is really good, also good to see John and Ceri.  Senna just makes herself at home and looks for the old toy box, any treats and rabbits!  She spotted a group of very young ones playing yesterday, her eyesight is amazing
We are now on tender hooks waiting for the arrival of our lambs which are due anytime now, last year we had deep snow, this year we have had a few foggy days but it is now warm and sunny, perfect for lambs. 
When John was here yesterday he set up our Wii which we haven't used for years but Liz thought would be good to get me using my weak arm and leg.  I had my first game of golf in over a year albeit indoors and virtual but it was great fun, need to get in some practice so I can beat John!

New research

I have been approached a few times to take part in new research since my stroke and have always agreed as I hope it will help others in the future, however, the latest idea seemed a little strange but I am willing to give it a go.
I am getting a new friend to stay, her name is Mary and she is a chimpanzee as a leading university have discovered that the communication skills including hand gestures and facial expressions of chimps can help people with Aphasia.  She arrives next week so I will have to take her to the Aphasia centre in Newcastle with me as she can't be left at home alone.

The university is looking for more people to take part in the research so let me know if you are interested.