Monday 29 September 2014

Catching up with news

Just realised it is almost 3 months since I wrote on my blog but it has been a really busy summer and a new dog to keep me active😃

Physically I have noticed a few changes, the main one being I have more movement in my right arm and in the last few weeks my thumb has started to move which is great as although my fingers could move my thumb refused. I don't have any strength in my hand or arm but you never know what may happen in time.  I have also noticed my right eye doesn't hang down like it did so I am even more good looking! Haha   On the down side I have had to return to physio for my leg as it's not as good as it was and I can't walk as far as I was able to in the past.

We thought we had bought a little Jack Russell the same as as 2 previous dogs but Nell has grown into a long legged variety and has obviously taken after her father not her mother!  But she is still a great little dog and we are busy trying to train her, which, anyone who has ever owned a terrier, will know is not easy as they are very energetic excitable characters!  But she is clean in the house and sleeps well at night so we can't complain, she just loves life, chickens, sheep, muck and running around and very unusually for a JR she loves water so is often in the stream.

I had a visit from Amy Waite who is the Aphasia Communication Support Co-ordinator for the Stroke Association, she talked to me about the Aphasia clinic at Newcastle University and asked if I would consider being an "Expert Patient" for the Stroke Association.  This would involve talking to people with Aphasia but also explaining to people who are unaware of Aphasia what it is, how people are affected and how they can help and communicate with aphasia sufferers.  After some thought I agreed and have already met with one chap who is thinking of going to the Aphasia centre. As part of my role I today made a video about my story with Amy and Kathy.  Waiting to see what that turns out like😳

The garden has done really well this year and really pleased with our vegetable plot, we now have a stash of potatoes and a freezer full of carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and jars of pickles!  Just waiting for the frost for the sprouts.  The good weather has meant we have got most of the big jobs completed with a few mishaps, cross words and laughter.

Decided to buy a quad to help me get about the place, so had a trip over to Hawes to buy it.  The throttle is worked by my right thumb which we thought might be a problem but after a discussion we decided to leave it where it was and it makes me use my thumb more.  Have been busy moving stones  and soil helped by my little dog.