Monday, 13 January 2014

Being partially sighted

As this is my blog I thought I would take the opportunity to talk about what it is like being partially sighted.  This is not meant to be seen as having a go at people because until it happened to me I certainly didn't realise how hard life can be.

My sight has been affected by my stroke and the right side of both eyes can't see anything. This means I only see the world on the left side and this can result in quite a few mishaps.

The worst one recently was when I walked into a lamppost in Newcastle, Liz turned back to find me giving the post a good telling off, don't know who was more shocked, Liz, the lamppost or the poor lad who was behind me.

One of the advantages of walking with a stick is people can see you have a problem, but I don't have a white stick.  Perhaps there should be a system of having a white band on a normal stick for people who have problems with their sight.

A few of the things partially sighted people have problems with are:-

Wheely bins left in the middle if the pavement
Cars parked on the pavement
Kids who leave bikes or skate boards lying around
People either talking in their mobile phones and oblivious to their surroundings or busy texting and not looking where they are going.

Liz and I tend to disagree about where she should walk when we are out, I like her to walk on my left side so I can see her but she thinks she should walk on my right hand side to stop me walking into lamp posts etc!  No doubt we continue to argue about this.

I now like to have my food put in the same place on my plate so I can find it (this was a tip I picked up from the Council sensory guy - Richard who came to see me)
I sometimes loose things like potatoes and vegetables off the right hand side of my plate as I push them off and don't see them,  Liz often asks if there is something wrong with that potato on the table.

When people come to visit I like them to sit on my left hand side so I can see them.

Often when I am reading or doing my aphasia exercises with Liz I miss the end of words and sentences as I just  don't see them. 

The hardest thing to come to terms with due to my sight problems is not being able to drive as I have always been into my cars and find this really hard to accept.

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