Sunday, 9 February 2014

One year on

Today is the first anniversary of my stroke, how life has changed in 12 months.  I still can't remember the first 3 months after having my stroke, but Liz and my family have told me what happened to me.

When I was in hospital I was at deaths door so really grateful to the doctors and nurses who saved my life.  Now still have problems with my right leg and arm, I suffer from Aphasia but the biggest problem is my sight and that is really hard to come to terms with.  I will never drive again and that is hard to accept.

Over the year my circle of friends have changed and there are now new people I associate with who perhaps in the past I wouldn't have spent very much time with. One person in particular who has helped me this past year is Ann who comes most Thursday mornings but also has thought to take me Christmas shopping and looked for ways to help me even before I went to the Apahasia clinic.

Hope I can progress with my speech therapy in the coming months and that I improve physically.

My glass is always half full not half empty! 

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