Monday, 10 March 2014

Week five

On Saturday I went to my Mother in Laws 90th birthday lunch at Crathorne Hall, she just had immediate family and a few close friends.  It was nice to go out for a meal for a change and the venue was special to mother in law from her childhood plus Liz and I had our wedding reception there, sadly I have no recollection of this! (no Liz we are not doing it again)

Most of the week was taken up with practising my spellings and then using the words I have learnt in short sentences.   Emma gave me some homework using short sentences using the words I can't remember.  For some reason I am still struggling with the word ARE. Liz thinks it is because it is missing an S.  I have to take my homework back to be marked!

Still enjoy arriving for the clinic early so can sit and have a chat with the other 4 in my group, it is great that   we can all communicate and good to sit and chat to a group of men for a change before we get stuck into our lessons.

Friday is our debate day and this week I had to be Chair for winding Ian up last week over caravans!  The topic this week was "You can never have too much money". It was an interesting debate which I mostly managed to keep control of.

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